How Gary Vee, MrBeast And Logan Paul PUMPED The CRYPTOPUNKS NFTs Price

Non fungible tokens are still burgeoning on crypto market. It’s not surprising based on how many influencers and celebrities have invested in them. The absolutely legendary NFT collection is “CryptoPunks”. So far, the most expensive of them was sold for $23.7M. The price is absolutely immense, especially considering, that is a piece of code on the blockchain displaying a picture 24 by 24 pixels. This may sound kind of crazy. But isn’t the art world a little bit mad?

You should know, that not always CryptoPunks NFTs have been worth so much. When they were first released in 2017, you could get them for free. That’s not a joke. Can you imagine how wealthy you would be if you got one back then?

Before we go further, I want to mention that: I am not a financial advisor. This video and the article are for entertainment purposes only. The content of the video and the article is not financial advice.

Now let us go straight to the point and answer the question how Gary Vee and bunch of other influencers pumped CryptoPunks price to the heaven. The answer is so simple. In the investigation, it was very helpful the video where MrBeast and Logan Paul told the story about very curious meeting. Check out the footage:

You could clearly hear that, there was the online meeting, where were Gary Vee, Logan Paul, Mr. Beast and many other people. On this meeting Gary Vee coaxed the people to buy CryptoPunks NFTs. I am not going to guess, what was Gary’s agenda behind this action. I am not here for judging it. But the conclusion we can draw from it is quite simple. Increased demand makes the NFTs prices go up. When you get to social circles with such people like Gary Vee it’s not very hard to make profits on NFTs. That’s basically all I want to convey to you.  

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