DOMI ONLINE! World Of Warcraft Successor? New P2E MMORPG Is Coming!

World of Warcraft is a beloved game for many players. It has still a nice graphic design even though it was published in 2004. Besides that, a huge magnificent world and a fabulous community. It’s almost a perfect MMORPG. Almost… Unfortunately, there is one huge disadvantage. You are prohibited to sell any item you found in the game for real money. In this scenario you may play World of Warcraft for couple years, obtained marvelous items and get nothing back. It is detrimental for many players. I don’t think Blizzard, which is the developer of the game will change anything about it. Auspiciously, those dark times when you couldn’t sell your own items are going to change thanks to blockchain technology. Play to earn games are the future of gaming.

Already, you can find some working P2E titles. But, you have to know they are not very advanced so far. It’s for sure going to change in the future. Even for this year, there are a couple of promising games. The question is “is it worth to invest in them right now?”. At this point I have to mention, that “I am not a financial advisor. This video was created for entertainment purposes only. The content of the video and the article is not a financial advice.” Let’s get back to the topic. One of the upcoming games I am really interested in is Domi Online. I want to focus on this title today. I really think this game may be a breakthrough in MMORPG world. At first sight, you can see, that Domi graphic style looks like World of Warcraft a bit. In my opinion it’s not bad. It’s kind of charming. What’s really fascinating about Domi Online is lack of level cap and skill cap. If you are not an MMORPG player you probably may not know, that it is really unique feature. Gamers were waiting for it for a long time. The one thing I do not like so much is losing some amount of experience when your character dies. From my perspective it’s going to be just annoying. Imagine losing all your souls when you die in a game, oh right that already exists in dark souls.

The team behind Domi Online

On the project website you can find the information about the entire team creating Domi Online.  Everything is very transparent. We can check out who is responsible for what and a short description about every team member. The CEO of the project is Per Fredrik Åsly aka PelleK. As he described himself: “He is a norwegian entrepreneur, actor and singer/songwriter, best known for having close to 4 million YouTube subscribers, and for composing/singing official soundtracks for games like League of Legends, Magic: The Gathering, Power Rangers, Path of Exile and more. In the crypto space PelleK is better known for being the first person in history to release a music album NFT, and for his position as Art Director for NFT-gaming pioneers ChainGuardians. You might've also seen PelleK as Envoy in season 6 of HBO's hit TV-series "Vikings". He started the game design for Domi Online back in 2019, and started the process of hiring the Domi Online dream-team in the summer of 2021.” It’s absolutely fantastic, that a person involved in the project is famous. It gives the game hype from the beginning. Besides PelleK, there are a couple game developers, graphic designers, sound designers and so on. Everything looks solid so far.

Domi token

Domi Online is one of the first big projects which are going to use Avalanche blockchain. The huge advantage of using this technology is low transaction fees. Such a simple element may decide about success or fail in blockchain projects. Besides, that Domi token has performed really good lately. Even during this bloody bearish market.

NFTs in Domi Online

As you may have assumed NFTs are going to play a tremendous role in the game. When some unique item is being drop from freshy killed monsters, the new NFT is minted. At this point it’s saved in the blockchain and you become an owner of the NFT.


In conclusion, we still do not know much about Domi Online. I have high expectations for this game. I hope it’s going to revolutionize gaming industry.  This scenario would be amazing, but we have to be realistic. Getting emotional is not what a smart investor should do. In my opinion the good strategy right now is to follow the project and get as much information as you can about it.

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