With Telegram’s latest update, you can transform your digital gifts into unique NFTs. Imagine turning items like the Jelly Bunny or Santa Hat into blockchain-backed collectibles. Using Telegram Stars, you can customize and trade over 1,400 designs, making your digital assets truly one-of-a-kind.
This update isn’t just about NFTs. You’ll find tools to streamline your chats, like message search filters that let you narrow results by categories such as private chats or group conversations. A built-in QR code scanner makes it easy to open links directly in the app, and reactions for system messages let you respond quickly with a tap.
But as you explore these features, stay alert. Scammers are targeting crypto users with fake bots and malware. They impersonate trusted sources and compromise wallets, so it’s important to double-check everything you interact with.
Telegram’s new update gives you powerful tools to personalize your experience, trade digital assets, and enhance your conversations—all while reminding you to stay secure in the digital space.